Various Foods to Eat in Pregnancy that Improves Moms’ Health and Baby Brain Development

May 09, 2018
Why does the matter of which foods to eat in pregnancy become such a huge deal? It’s because you are eating for two – for yourself and the baby. Never underestimate the importance of the proper foods during pregnancy because they can determine whether the moms will have the qualified outcome or not. When moms have a poor diet, it won’t affect themselves but also the babies. Of course, paying attention to the proper lifestyle is also important but don’t forget that whatever moms consume will also affect the babies in general.

The Importance of Healthy Food

Never underestimate pregnancy because it is a crucial time when the body is changing and adjusting. Pregnant moms are having difficult times adjusting to different conditions, especially with the hormones turmoil and stuff. Healthy diet is crucial because it will maintain the moms’ condition as well as making sure that the baby also gets the needed nutrients.  Moms will have to make sure that they get a balanced vitamins, minerals, and nutrients – along with the needed calories. It is pretty normal for pregnant moms to have extra calories, between 350 calories and 500 calories per day.

It is not about eating extra that becomes a matter – it is about planning the intake and the meal arrangement. When moms eat carelessly, it may lead to excessive weight gain which results in gestational diabetes and other issues – including birth complications. When moms plan nutritious and healthy consumption, it will benefit them and also the baby. Moreover, moms may not experience excessive weight gain, which makes it easier to lose weight after giving birth.

The Healthy Foods during Pregnancy

Not only moms should be thinking about the best foods to eat in pregnancy, they should also consider the best foods for baby brain development. Choosing the right food isn’t only the matter of making sure that the babies have gone through the important stages in their development, but also making sure that their brain development is properly monitored and done. So, what are the best foods to include during pregnancy?

First of all, pregnant moms will need extra calcium and protein. Those two substances will meet the babies’ needs as well as helping the moms to stay tough during the pregnancy. Moms will need to have strong bones to support their conditions, especially when the pregnancy is going older and bigger. Those two substances can be easily found in dairy products, which mostly contain whey and casein – two most important and qualified types of protein. Dairy products are also packed with magnesium, calcium, B-vitamins, zinc, and phosphorus.

Yogurt can be a great source of protein and also calcium, especially the Greek type. They are rich in calcium and also probiotic – the healthy bacteria that will be beneficial for the digestive health. Lactose intolerant people may gain benefits from the yogurt, so it shouldn’t hurt the pregnant moms. But in case you have a doubt, it is better to talk things through with your doctor. Find out which best foods to eat in pregnancy that you can consume.

Various Foods to Eat in Pregnancy that Improves Moms’ Health and Baby Brain Development

Besides the dairy products, there are other food types or groups that pregnant moms can consume:

  • Legumes, including soybeans, peas, peanuts, lentils, chickpeas, and peas. They are rich in protein, calcium, folate, fiber, and iron – the important nutrients that body needs when pregnant. Folate, especially, is an important part of B-vitamins that can reduce risks of low birth weight and neural tube defects. Unfortunately, many of the pregnant moms don’t have enough folate 
  • Salmon. They are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, important for the fetus’ brain and also eyes development. However, pregnant moms are often advised to limit the seafood because salmon is a type of it. The increasing concern of mercury and other types of contaminants is the main reason to limit the seafood intake. If you take it only twice a week, it is the safest standard. 
  • Sweet potatoes. They are packed with beta carotene, which will be converted to vitamin A. The vitamin itself is important for cell and also tissue differentiation as well as fetal health development. Moreover, they are packed with fiber that is beneficial to avoid blood sugar spike, increase fullness, and also improve digestive track. 

Baby Brain Development

Pregnant moms expect their babies to develop healthily. They will change and grow every day, including their brain. There are some foods that are considered best not only to improve moms’ health but also for the fetus’ brain development. So, what to eat during pregnancy for brain development of baby?

Fatty fish is one of the important foods for baby brain’s development because it is rich in DHA. Since the moms’ body doesn’t produce DHA, moms need to take it externally from other sources. As it was mentioned before, salmon is a type of fatty fish. Lake trout is another type of the fatty fish. What are the benefits for moms? They are good to prevent baby blues or postpartum depression. They are also good to improve sleep quality so moms won’t have sleeping deprivation.

Poultry and meat are another type of healthy foods for the fetus. Animal foods such as pork, lean beef, turkey, and chicken are rich in zinc – although zinc can also be found in seafood like llobster, crab, shrimp, and fish. Another option is the leafy dark green veggies. They are rich in folic acid, which is super important for pregnant moms, especially during the first weeks when the fetus’ brain and nerves are forming and developing. Consider consuming collard greens, romaine lettuce, kale, and spinach during the pregnancy. They are also helpful to improve better bowel movement and prevent constipation – a common problem happening to pregnant moms.

In the end, there are so many healthy foods that moms should consider, such as eggs, berries, fish liver oil, whole grain, and much more. The point is, moms should include more veggies and fruits. But to avoid boredom, they can get creative by looking at different options of foods. As long as they know the best foods to eat in pregnancy, they should be fine.
